Validity of exploration areas for a deep repository has expired
On December 31, 2016, validity of established exploration areas for siting process for a deep geological repository in seven sites expired and the state Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA) should thus finish all its geological surveys. Although a new procedure for the extension of expired validity for two years was launched in the last days of 2016, the decision on it will be taken in several weeks, or rather months because of municipalities’ disagreement. Also, the permits, which have just expired, were issued in violation of the law and therefore, 18 municipalities and 6 have filed a lawsuit against the decision of the Minister of the Environment Brabec. The administrative proceedings are still in process even today.
Platform Against Deep Repository [1] strives to stop geological surveys for longer so that a national programme on radioactive waste management could be discussed and adopted, criteria for siting process for a deep repository could be clearly defined, and legislation could be adjusted, notably, Act to strength the rights of municipalities should be adopted. Only if there are clear rules that will not change with every new Industry Minister, it is possible to build trust between the responsible state institutions and the concerned municipalities.
To support its objectives the Platform members decided to hold the 3rd annual nation-wide Day Against Deep Repository on Saturday 22 April 2017. Once again, all seven sites in the country will host a series of public events.
Petr Klásek, spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository said: "From the position of municipalities and their citizens we have not seen no substantial shift in the issues of siting process for a deep repository for many years now. In the second half of 2015, we appealed against the decision of the state in a court, but the court has not ruled out yet. And now the state institutions want to proceed against the will of local people again."
Further information can be provided by:
- Petr Klásek, Mayor of Chanovice and a spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository, tel.: +420 606 745 795, obec DOT chanovice AT email DOT cz[2]
- Platform Against Deep Repository associates 17 municipalities and 11 NGOs in all seven sites, in detail on:
- For protection against automatical email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol and "DOT" by the dot-character (".").
Validity of exploration areas for a deep repository has expired
On December 31, 2016, validity of established exploration areas for siting process for a deep geological repository in seven sites expired and the state Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA) should thus finish all its geological surveys. Although a new procedure for the extension of expired validity for two years was launched in the last days of 2016, the decision on it will be taken in several weeks, or rather months because of municipalities’ disagreement. Also, the permits, which have just expired, were issued in violation of the law and therefore, 18 municipalities and 6 have filed a lawsuit against the decision of the Minister of the Environment Brabec. The administrative proceedings are still in process even today.
Platform Against Deep Repository [1] strives to stop geological surveys for longer so that a national programme on radioactive waste management could be discussed and adopted, criteria for siting process for a deep repository could be clearly defined, and legislation could be adjusted, notably, Act to strength the rights of municipalities should be adopted. Only if there are clear rules that will not change with every new Industry Minister, it is possible to build trust between the responsible state institutions and the concerned municipalities.
To support its objectives the Platform members decided to hold the 3rd annual nation-wide Day Against Deep Repository on Saturday 22 April 2017. Once again, all seven sites in the country will host a series of public events.
Petr Klásek, spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository said: "From the position of municipalities and their citizens we have not seen no substantial shift in the issues of siting process for a deep repository for many years now. In the second half of 2015, we appealed against the decision of the state in a court, but the court has not ruled out yet. And now the state institutions want to proceed against the will of local people again."
Further information can be provided by:
- Petr Klásek, Mayor of Chanovice and a spokesman for the Platform Against Deep Repository, tel.: +420 606 745 795, obec DOT chanovice AT email DOT cz[2]
- Platform Against Deep Repository associates 17 municipalities and 11 NGOs in all seven sites, in detail on:
- For protection against automatical email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol and "DOT" by the dot-character (".").